Friday, September 30, 2005

My Mam and Dad have left...i have no folks in the UK!!!!

Bastards....utter, UTTTER COMPLETE bastards!

Why would they do this to me? It's just not fair! I work hard, or at least i have recently started working hard again, and i'm loved by them. I think. So why? Why have they done this to me, left me, a single son, parentless in the UK?

I'l tell you why...Its because they go on holiday to bloody much, thats why. My Mum and Stepdad have buggered of to france for a week. Now, as a rule i don't like france. To me it's like wales, a beautiful country, adorned with the finest veiws, nature in its un-spoilt spledour and in frances case an amazing loyaly to all things Wine!! But sadly, what lets both these places down is the residents. They're horrid. But i wouldn't have fale out with my mother had she thrown an invite in my general direction. I wouldn't have goten all in a tizz about having to go and drink fine wine and dine on expensive quisine, no, i would have gone and loved it.....and not spoken to a single french person!! Heh heh.

So thats my Mum's absence, unaided by me. Lets move on to Daddy and my Stepmum......

Tunisia......Tu..sodding..nisia. Sods. That would have been nice. I know i'm 22 so i would have cramped their style, but i would have gone off and done my own thing. Swam, ate food of questionable origin served by a man who is adorned with more grease than my chips, drank large amounts of local tipple romoving my stomach lining in the process. I wouldn't see my folks till the plane home. But no, no invite there either.

I'll get my revenge, i don't know how, but i will.......i'm off to plot now.

Now, where's the nearest Thomas Cook?


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