Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Light at the end of the employment tunnel...

Today, folks. Is a good day. Its a very good day. But thats not how it started....

I woke 5am. I had to go to work and i really didn't want to. I wanted to stay in bed with semi-snoozing/sleeping girlfriend. But no, i had go and engage in my job ( see other posts for my feelings on this subject ). Anyway, while....urm....working i continued to get bored. And every customer to grace my portacabin was, as i'd say in a northern stylee...pissin me rite off! Everyone of em and idiot, really. Arguing with me because there were no taxis at the precise moment they wanted one. Sorry, but for that to work there would have to be about 400 Ford Galaxies out there you fucking idiot. Its an airport, your not the only person i'm going to serve. So sit down and shut up and wait for the five minutes i suggested. I know its gonna eat in to your self proclaimed busy busy life, but i'm sure you'll cope.

Sorry...i went on one there. Anywho....after eight hours of this nonsense i got to go home. Woo hoo. I was picked up by my now fully awake ( thankfully, seeing as she drives everywhere ) girlfriend and we went to a mates house. Then i remembered i had to phone up about i job i saw on the net the night before. A dream job for me. Getting to stip down shiny new cars that have been foolishly crashed in to other big shiny cars....or houses, or Airportcarz customers. Then, when all the bent metal is removed i get to put shiny new metal on. Woo hoo. Boring to you, but i have been trying to get into this for a long long time.

I made the call, and they asked if i could come for an 60mins later...........I have the job! HOOOOOOORRRAAAA!!!

So, stuff you Airportcarz, twatty customers, unsocial hours, boring boring office. And hello car fixin,part strippin, car fixin, body mendin new job. Weekends? Nope....Bank holidays? Nope.......good holiday at Crimbo....yup. I rick, this job fact my whole bloody life rocks now. It is good to be me right now.

And all because my girlie told me to go for it. Thanks babe! Your bloody fantastic!!

Now......i have to go and spend £200 quid on tools......bollocks.


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