Sunday, September 11, 2005

Turns out my girlfriend is Gordon Ramsey.......

So here i sit, full to de brim of food.

GooOOooOoooOoooood food mind. All bought and prepared by my increasingly amazing girlie. I don't do sunday roasts. Not because i don't like them, it's just that my family life never really included them. Sundays normaly consisted of me up a tree somewhere or, in later life, in my car somewhere. Or, and this applies to my current routine, nursing a nasty hang over. And then when i was 17 and living alone i was responsible for all of my grub. Sunday roast? Nah mate, tomato soup eaten out of the pan you cooked it in my friend. Thats a hearty lunch. I wasn't gonna bother with all of that chicken malarky, a chicken costs a good few quid. I could buy a pint with that!

So what a suprise it was today, sitting at the table, eating real food. Not the normal array of tinned goods that i usually consume, although Ravioli is always welcome. And i'll tell you, she can cook. Jesus can she. Chicken just right and if your a spud you know you've made the bigtime if my girlfiend roasts you. Delightful. Lip-smackingly good. So now, after all that home cooked splendidness we're having dessert.........

That'll be boil in the pack Sainsburys own then.


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