Saturday, September 10, 2005

Mmmmmmmmmmm, it's gonna cost ya....


It's done and its official. I'm now a car body stripper and re-fitter. Cool eh? It makes sense really considering i have dismantling my own cars for years. Although, when i think about it i never really put them back together.......hmmmm. I should be okay. I did just go out and blow 200 notes on tools. I even have a telescopic mirror and magnet! Not for any reason, just bacuse i thought they were cool. Ill probably never need them. But if one of my co workers looks in my tool box they'll think i have a clue. I also found out what my first job is. I gotta strip a Mercedes thats been walloped all down one side. Should be fun. Until i have to put it back together again, that, i assure you will be entertaining to watch.

So thats my job, your now fully briefed.

What else? Hmmmm, not a lot really. I got drunk last night, well, i would of if it was night time. I actually got drunk in the afternoon. I don't reccomend it, its not the same and it totally messes up your perception of time. But the early night did mean that i have woken up hangover free, Woo!

I dont' know what we're doing today, something cheap i hope. Seeing as i have no money. I spent it all on tools and beer ( hmmm, how manly ).

Anyway, i have to go. I need to shower.


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