Wednesday, March 29, 2006

People are dumb...

Some bloke just rang me up. The whole cal is boring, but theopening was the finest display of 'stupid' i've seen in a while.

Me: Good morning, Clist amd Rattle.

Customer: Ah,um,yes, um, good morning...

M: What can i do for you?

C: Ah,um,yes. I've got a Fiesta...

M: Ok

C: Oh,urm,no,sorry,um, an Allegro..

M: Oh, ok. Whats the proble....

C: No....bloody'ell, i've got a Fabia.

M: .......................are you sure?

Look out of the window, man! Look at your keys! How can anyone, even the most car-inept person knows what sort of car they drive. Epecially out of a choice of three.....blimey!


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