Monday, March 20, 2006


Well, as you may or may not know i went for and interview with a rather larger publication last week.

It seemed to go well, in the sense that i answered all that was asked and so forth. When i was on the train home though, well, that was a different story. That's when all the better answers decided to make an appearence. I then sat in silence all the way home, mentally kicking myself for not saying the afore mentioned answers.

Anyway, when i got home i came to the concusion that my interview actually went well and that my worring was pointless. I'd done my bit, so now all i can do is wait. Which is pretty much where i'm up to at the moment...waiting....having to endure what seems like the longest day of my life. It's all silly though, it's not like i'm going to be offered the job. Apart from willing to work for peanuts (and thats probably not a metaphor) i don't really have anything in the way of expeirience in the feild of all things journalistic. Christ, i can't even spell most of the time, well i CAN spell 'most.of.the.time' but you know what i mean. All i can offer is enthusiasm and thats also all i can rely on at the moment. Out of the people who got an interview i'd like to think i'm the keenest and the most detrmined to succeed, because i am. I just hope that the guys who interviewed me saw that too....

Anyway, i have to go and learn how to spell and also spent some time watching the clock, and my phone.


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