Monday, September 05, 2005

Good job i don't fear dentists......

Well, here i am.

Sat here watchining the clock like a fool. I dont know why i care so much. Apart from the fact that the last time i was in the electric leany-back chair i was 15. And 'D' was good 'E' was good 'F' was good and so on. Today is different though, 'D' is not good, 'E' is a mass cavity and i don't even think 'F' is there anymore. Thats why i'm clock watching....not wanting it to be 11.25. You see, thats when a man in a white jacket gets to prod around my mouth with enough electric tomfoolery to kit out a dwarf pit crew. And it all makes the same noise as pit crew tools. I can cope, bacause i know that by the end of the day i'll be able to consume the foods that cause me great pain at the moment. Like...urm.....bread. But also i'll be able to drink nice cold, ice cold beer without pulling a face that would make a gurner cringe. And there is a pub across the road from the dentist. This is a little to convienient. I think they are in cahoots.

Still, the clock ain't stopping......i'll be fine though i'm sure.

What else.....hmmmm. I'm still endlessly searching for some more vaired and entertaining employment. I'm toying with the idea of joining the circus. I'm not sure if that's as easy as it used to be though....i guess i'd need my P45, and i'd need to know if there was any medical cover included. Various red tape and so on. That, and my only circus like attribute is my amazing ability to spin anything on my finger. I wouldn't pay a fiver to see that. So no, scrub the circus idea. I could become a doctor, ignoring the fact that my medical knowledge doesn't even cover the good old 'cold compress'. I'd probably end up using a kettle somewhere along the lines. I have also considered the notion of becoming a teacher!! To aid and hone young whippersnappers in the educational path? NO! I'd teach them everything wrong. Not through spite or cruelty.....just because it'd make me giggle every day before i went to work. I dont know why i'm looking at all these options. If i don't get off of my buttocks soon i'm still going to be doing what i'm doing now when a 'HaPpY 40TH' card lands on my doormat. And thats gonna suck. I think i'll just become a successful idiot. Thats something i could do easily.

Anyway, i gotta go. Wish me luck.

Oh, and one more thing. A colender....and a small box to put small rolls of cling film and foil etc in. Not that exciting right? Well that's what i thought till yesterday. I'm telling you, the lady who loves milk tray is long gone. Man in black? Your sacked. Older, somewhat podgy bloke with a dreadful sweater? Your in......but only if thats a Betterware catalouge in your hand.


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