Saturday, August 27, 2005

Blurry eyed and foggy headed.......

So i missed a day....but i never promised this was going to be a daily thing. So don't be upset.

My head hurts...mainly bacuse i thought it would be a good idea to try and replace the space inbetween my ears they say i the south....ZIDER!! This would have been a well founded friday night plan...apart from one thing. At the end of the night, after being removed from the initial pub due to re-carpeting issues ( i know, bizzare ) we decided, in an uncalcultaed, ABV of 5 upwards powered thought process that town would be fun...... I say we but by we I mean my beautiful girlfriend, who was slightly....urm.....Stella'd up at the time. So off we went........

So we get there...all is well, we sit, we chat and we socialise. Tom, the third of our trio makes a move for the bar. He gets there and sees that its void of my preffered tipple so iprovises with a fosters. This, at the time of being consumed was good.....this morning however was not so pleasant. After what i can only guess was night not unlike one for Michael Douglas and Cathleen Turner for the opposing brews, my head was in trouble. The 1 pint of fosters had drawn the 'your half, my half' line. Only problem being that the ciders half was my head. So now i ache. And i have just realised an irony, in that i just elaborated far too much. All the while staring at the bright TFT headache worsening lovelieness of my pc.......ouch.

So what else, ahh, thats it. I'm not going to be here tonight. I'm off to camp. Yay. And to have some alfresco sex with any luck. I should maybe run that by the Mrs though. But it should be fun, sea, good friends, beer, fire, marshmallows, burnt..melty...flying marshmallows. know the story. I'll take the camera though, and some anadin. I'm really looking forward to it to be honest. And i'll be slightly safer in wales....seeing as somwhere in the cotswolds there is a 1988 Ford Fiesta being piloted by my good friend, Mr. Hughes. I think the liklyhood of me being bounced of the jazz mag named machine is slim if on a welsh hill. But anything is possible......

So now i'm off to nurse my hangover and count how much money i dont have left. I'll be back on sunday though, with a full rundown of my night of fun!!


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