Monday, February 13, 2006

I'd love it if a plan came together.....

So, same shit different day then. No change really. Although I have, to a degree, formulated a plan. At least I like to think I have, it’ll probably all change at the drop of a hat, but hey, that’ll be interesting too.
So, the plan. Well, as I’m sure you might have noticed by now my job isn’t exactly the hub of joy in my little world. Every day my in built annoyance’O’meter moves up a notch due to the high concentration of muppets I have to deal with. This in turn is having a negative effect on my home life. If I continue to shout at my stepson any more I’m pretty sure on his 18th birthday he’ll punch me in the face and steal my car to get even, and I don’t want that. The cats probably dislike me too. I have to repeatedly discipline them for the constant kitchen clambering missions. But instead of a swift tap on the nose I launch into a verbal assault lasting longer than there lifelong combined attention spans. And they’re cats, so they don’t understand anyway. I’m so tense at the moment that I nearly shouted at little old lady this morning for being daft, and as much as I’d like to spend all day trying to convince myself that ‘she had it coming’ the chances are that she didn’t.
You can see why I want a change can’t you? I’ll be on the local news for all the wrong reasons if I carry on like this. I have to do something.
I have the very small and distant possibility of something coming of the magazine stuff I have done. But that really is the epitome of distant, so pinning all my hopes and dream on that might be a tad silly. I have to set my sights on something lower and a little more achievable. The only problem is that once I’m well footed back in the realm of achievable it becomes quite clear that I’m about as qualified as a Jack Russell compared to anyone else out there.
This is where the plan comes into place. I want to be a writer, irrespective of how bad I am at it. This is way I have decided that I’m going to get myself a qualification, so that one day I may be able to achieve my goal. I don’t think its bad plan to be honest. Apart from the fact that I can’t afford to go, and I’m really not that bright, and I’ll be surrounded by younger and more annoyingly, clverererer people than me. A good plan indeed.
If all this comes together I’ll be a happy camper indeed, if not…….

…..Good afternoon, Clist and Rattle service department, Chris Speaking.


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