Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I'll think of a title later..

So, another day done, another blog to write. Sadly today was about as eventful as a funeral for a dead Mime though, so I’m really going to have to scrape the barrel for something to tell you about. I woke up, I remember that bit. And I also remember being greeted by a crescendo of kitten squeaks when I was dishing out the KittE Cat. But other than that, nothing. The rest of the day was dull blur. That’s why I have decided to go into business with myself. I’m going to go to a person’s place of work and make it a more enjoyable environment to tolerate.

So, how would I do my place? Hmmmmmm….

Well, when I get to work and someone upsets me I’m not going to be nice and polite. I’m going to punch them. And if someone demands I fetch there car as if I were their personal assistant I will…in a blaze of clutch spoke and howling tyres. Heh heh heh. If I have to deal with someone asking me how long their car is on an annoyingly regular basis, I’m simply going to whisper “Five minutes, Sir” into their ear. And when they come back I’ll whisper “Ten minutes, Sir”…I’ll keep on adding five minutes every time they come back. If I have to deal with silly questions such as “My car is billowing steam, should I stop driving it?” I’m going to instruct them that its fine and they really should see that relative in Inverness, now. On the flip side, for non car threatening queries I’ll tell them its terminal and that they really should wheel the beast to the scrappers.
This may all sound negative, but it’d lighten the workload a hell of a lot. People would quickly attain the understanding that I don’t like them, and there would be no rush for the mechanics. I’d be on the front counter whispering “Three hours, fifty five minutes, Sir”. So, everyone is a winner in my mew proposals for my workplace. I should be given a pay rise…and more holidays.

For all of you work based efficiency issues, contact RANDOM CHAP! He'll only be allowed to do it once, but it’ll be a giggle.


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