Thursday, January 12, 2006

Kittens of doOooOooOom....

Most things that move, some way or another, have an additive available to them. Something that for a short period of time will increase both speed and performance. Cars have Nitrous oxide. A gas that is shot into the cylinders to give an increase of power that, while only on a temporary scale, can equal hundreds more horsepower. Athletes have glucose-based drinks, to give them elongated energy levels. Jet fighters have afterburners to reach speeds faster than sound.
All these are marvels, creations that we should be proud to call our own. But there is one more, one that proves to be the most volatile and spectacular combinations known to man…. Kittens, and Catnip!
God knows what it is, but they bloody love it. Last night I took it upon myself to tidy the kitchen, but while doing this I got a little peckish. I franticly started to raid the cupboards for food when I stumbled across the Kitty fuel. In a seemingly innocent packet were hundreds of catnip/chocolate drops. Now at the time I thought it was a good idea, so off I trotted into the lounge, catnip in hand. Lying on the rug were my test pilots, blissfully unaware of what was about to happen. I opened them up (the drops, not the kittens) and gave them each a generous amount, about 8-9 drops each…then they went back to sleep.

For about 6 seconds.

I needed a comedy ‘DING’ noise! They both sprung up and set about each other like loons. Both were creating noises not yet heard by man, and tails were swishing frantically. Then the fat one sprang up into the air by about 3 foot, landed, looked around the room with one ear back and eyes as big as plates and then without warning shot off into the kitchen. The other one, in an equally comical manner, did the same. Then all that could be heard was the scrabbling of tiny paws on laminated flooring, until I heard the brush fall over. Thats when they bolted back into the lounge at mach 6, four ears back, two tails under bums. And then the wrestling continued….for about 3 hours.
That stuff is amazing, not for them, they crashed out in a BIG way. But to watch it was hilarious. I should have filmed them. You’d never think they could have so much fun chasing nothing but themselves. Crazy fools.

So there you go, mans most volatile concoction…Kitties and Catnip!


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