Saturday, December 24, 2005

Bahhhhhhhhh humbug...

Ho Ho on and so forth.

Incase your inept, you'll have figured that i'm not the most Christmassy of people. Mainly becuase i'm of the opinion that its a waste of time...and money. I'm sorry if i'm raining on your picture perfect, snow clad mental image of crimbo. I'm allowed my opinion, and this be it.

I dislike having people waste their money on me buying tat that i will sooner or later throw out, having never been used. I'm in more debt than a third world country....a little help with that would go a long way.

I dislike spending my money on tat for people....see above.

I don't enjoy the time off work. My attention span can be measured in nanno-seconds...i'd much rather be at work. Enjoying watching the calender tick by.

And the main thing that makes me cringe....the day itself. Good god, it's like being part of a line-up. Always monitoring you expression, so no one thinks you being miserable. Constantly having to say pleasntries. Maintaining that look of joy when you open the 45th pair of's hell.

I want it to be January, then it will all be back to normal. And that'll be good.

Anyway, rant done. Gotta go throw out some socks now, need space for the new'uns.


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