Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The saga continues.....

So, dentistry, yay......

After the harsh realisation that the incorrect peggie had been mended i have been in what can only be described as agony. The annoying thing is that its not a permanent fixture, right now for exaple i'm not too bad...a dull ache, but other than that nothing. But when i put my weary head to pillow it all begins. My teefs seemingly conclude, every night, that a toothe ache convention should be held in my mouth. This makes going to sleep damn dear impossible, but somehow i manage to drift off. But nope, not good enough, the teeth sense this, so crank it up a notch. Bastards. So no i sit hear typing, ready to snarl at the next person to walk past me.......

This isn't a good way to be when in a customer facing role as i am. So today i'm going back to the dentist...i'm currently drawing on the painful tooth with a flourescent yellow pen in a bid that he fixes the right one this time. So, wish me luck.

Also, you might want to watch the news tonight, becuse if he don' fix em today......i'll be on it.


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